Sponsor the X12 Clearinghouse Caucus in 2024
Sponsorship of the Clearinghouse Caucus will put your Company name, Company Logo and Contact URL information in front of attendees representing Provider organizations, Payers, Vendors, CMS, representation from other national standard organizations and other Clearinghouses. These events are extremely well attended due to the relevant topics and open forum discussion format.
In addition to your company being highlighted during the Clearinghouse Caucus Meetings, your logo will rotate through the pages of the Cooperative Exchange website for the corresponding time frame to your sponsorship. If you sponsor all three events, your logo will remain on site for the duration of 2024. We promote the X12 Clearinghouse Caucus though various communication methods that includes direct email to the attendee list and industry communication channels.
2024 Clearinghouse Caucus Dates:
June 11, 2024
X12 Summer Standing Meeting
Jacksonville, FL
September 24, 2024
X12 Fall Standing Meeting
Pittsburgh, PA
Sponsorship cost is $375 for each event or a discounted rate of $1000 if you pay for all three events at once. If your company is interested, please complete the information on page 2 of our Caucus Sponorship Form and return it to lisa@m3solutionsllc.com no later than 2 weeks prior to the Caucus date.
The Next X12 Clearinghouse Caucus: